3 money-related lessons that spirituality has taught me

Shivani D
Nov 18, 2020

Inviting money to your life is easier than you think…

Source: Freepik

I have been reading a lot about spirituality these days and trying to explore how it affects us on an everyday basis.

And since money is a great concern for most of us, I thought of starting with it first.

So here’s a short infographic blog on 3 lessons that reading about spirituality has taught me so far.

Hope you find this helpful :)

Bottom line?

Be open to both- receiving and giving money.

Observe your thoughts because they create reality- so every time you find yourself thinking, “I don’t have enough money” or “money is so difficult to earn”, alter it to- “I have more than enough money” and “money comes to me easily”. This small change can literally transform your life.

Hope you find this helpful.

I post content related to personal development, positivity, mental health, spirituality, and more on my Instagram account regularly.

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